Saddle Fitting Assessment Certification

Learning Outcomes: Students will learn how to evaluate a Western style saddle to determine if it is a proper fit for the horse. The course includes information on horse evaluation, saddle angle types, rigging, balance, and more.

To be certified in the Hands to Hide Equine saddle fitting assessment, an individual needs to send one video evaluating saddle fit based on the information in the Hands to Hide Equine saddle fitting assessment guide manual and videos.  The student needs to begin by demonstrating how to find measurements for bar angles and gullet width. Then, a saddle should be placed on the horse’s back without a pad, and verbal explanation given on whether the saddle seems to be a good fit for the horse. Explain why or why not. Please note that a student may be asked to redo an evaluation if it does not follow the criteria of the Hands to Hide Equine saddle fitting assessment guide manual.

I prefer that the video be as complete as possible rather than one video broken into numerous videos. This helps me see that the student is remembering the information and knows what they are looking for in saddle fit. It can be beneficial to have an assistant film for you.

After the video has been submitted and evaluated, a certificate will be sent to the student. The certificate declares that an individual has successfully learned and demonstrated the techniques taught in the Hands to Hide Equine saddle assessment course under the guidance of myself, Kristen Wilke, owner of Hands to Hide Equine, and Preferred Educational Provider with the International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork. The certificate also lists the student’s name and date of achievement.

Video Submission: Videos can be uploaded to Youtube as long as they are marked as ‘Unlisted’ on YouTube. The private link can then be sent to Hands to Hide Equine for evaluation. Students may also choose to share videos via Dropbox. Videos or links can be submitted through email to: or

Cancellation Policy: The cancellation policy does not apply once purchase has been made for the online program. All purchases made through the website are non-refundable.  This is due to the finality of the product once purchase has been completed. For live seminars, the student is informed of the non-refundable deposit to hold their place for the clinic.  If the student is unable to attend the live seminar, they do not receive the non-refundable deposit back.

*Currently, there is no official governing or licensing body that accredits saddle fitting programs in the United States.*